As I gave this more thought, I came to the conclusion that these happenings are part of the curse of "development". It is a trend that has repeated itself throughout history, the more "civilized", wealthy and advanced a people got, the more arrogant and proud they were. It is only arrogance and pride that will push us, mere humans, to demand that the God of the universe explains Himself to us. Reading the questions/doubts Jon shared in his post, I was reminded of a certain saying by Francis Chan:
"Can you worship a God who is not obligated to explain His actions to you? Could it be your arrogance that makes you think God owes you an explanation?"
I remember when I used to have questions. It was a year or two after I got saved. I struggled with some questions about the "fairness" of God. God led me to Romans 9, and I have never again had the audacity to put myself in a position to judge God. When you truly see your insignificance in the face of God's sovereignty, it humbles you. It literally puts the fear of God in you.
No matter what, God is in charge. He is the boss...and I submit to that authority...choosing to believe that God is good, just and love even when it does not look like it. If it all made sense, there will be no need for FAITH. Think about it, even if God wanted to make us understand all that He does, is that even possible? Is it possible to fit the water in an ocean into a bathtub? But He promises in His word, there will come a time when we shall know just as we are known (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Another thing that became more evident to me is that Christianity in most western church communities has been reduced to more of an intellectual than a spiritual experience. An African who has witnessed the dramatic exit of a demon from a body at the mention of the name of Jesus will never think to say God is not real. Even if he chooses to reject Christianity someday. In Western Christian culture, there is a general sense of skepticism when it comes to the supernatural, and an ever ready list of excuses as to why we rarely experience the manifestation of spiritual gifts like miracles and prophecy.
Jon's story also made me see the danger of raising our kids in a Christian community without allowing room for them to personally choose Christ. So the question I have is, did Jon really get saved? When you grow up very sheltered as a Christian, there is the risk of succumbing to the pressure of acting Christian without having a true salvation experience. And that typically happens sub-consciously. Personally, I pray for the grace to wisely expose my kids to the real world, even while teaching them the ways of Christ.
Romans 9:20 "But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, "Why have you made me like this?" NKJV
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